Cosmetic Dentistry is dental work that improves the appearance of your teeth. At Dr. Christian Family Dentistry in Bristol, Tennessee, we can use veneers, bonding, and dental bleaching to enhance your smile. Call our office today at 423-968-1933 for more information about our cosmetic dentistry services.
Bonded directly to the teeth, veneers are very thin porcelain laminates which fill in spaces between teeth as well as cover stained teeth that do not respond to other whitening treatments.
Tooth bonding is a versatile treatment using a composite resin to reshape teeth, restore decayed teeth, and make other cosmetic improvements. The process involves the dentist applying a resin material to the surface of a tooth and hardening it with a special UV light. Then the surface is polished to give it a smooth feel and pleasing appearance.
Dental bleaching is a tooth whitening treatment used to remove stains on teeth caused either by natural aging of teeth or by foods, medications, and substances like tobacco. Dr. Christian can work with you to determine the best approach to whitening your teeth.
Love your smile again! Contact our friendly and professional dental team today at 423-968-1933 to schedule your appointment.
PHONE: 423-968-1933
ADDRESS: 1705 Edgemont Ave
Bristol, TN 37620